
Data Backup and Recovery Service

As data has become more important in our daily lives due to our on-line activities and professional dependency via on-line communication and digital working. It has become imperative for us to backup all your devices via the cloud or physically on external storage devices, to keep our data at our finger tips. Though if the unexpected should occur and your computer or device cannot be accessed due to hardware failure or operating system corruption, do not despair contact Home IT Service to see if we can help recover your system or advice on the best options in terms of recovering your data. We provide data recovery to clients in Didsbury, South Manchester and the surrounding areas.

If you are experiencing problems booting into your operating system or device, and the computer or device keeps crashing and you cannot access your data, you may require some type of data recovery or data backup before the system is reinstalled or the system is rest to factory settings. If your system should malfunctioned and you can not access or recover your data, contact Home IT Service to see if we have a solution to recover your data. We offer a complete computer data recovery service, though in some cases the drive system files maybe too corrupt to recover. In such cases we may advice professional data recover where possible, which may recover important, sensitive data or of a professional nature which maybe essential to you or your organization. In most cases we will be able to recover your data or system, you will however need to bring your system in for assessment to judge whether or not we can help recover your system or data.

Call Home IT Service for our free, impartial, friendly advice on your data recovery problem.

Call us on 0161 448 8664 to get your IT issues fixed quickly and professionally.